Thursday, November 6, 2008

15 years old

1. The internet has started to be more of an influence in Ryann's life. She has already experienced multiple online messaging fights. I have to ground her from the computer in order to keep from going on and helping keep her behavior in check. She started using words I didn't know she used while engaging in these online fights. Some positive activities that she has been benefiting from has been her involvement in softball. Recently Ryann made the high school softball team and we are all very excited to see what happens. She is very active, as she has always been, and being on the softball team will help her to stay physically fit as well as help with her changing behavior.

2. Ryann's behavior has been changing a lot for the past few years. This of course is because of the fact that she is going through puberty. She has her ups and downs with my partner and I and we are slowly adapting to her new self. She often gives me the silent treatment when we have discusions about curfew and chores, simple things like that, and instead of yelling at her or letting the conversation get out of hand I just drop the subject and let her cool down. She is experiencing normal behaviors for her age such as an increase in attitude, giving me the silent treatment, and picking fights with me over trivial things. However she is getting closer to me and starting to talk with me about more things than she did when she was in middle school. We go on walks together, especially when she comes home upset from school, and she can not stop talking, which is a good thing for me. I like that she is starting to come around and not be such an angry, rebellious person like she was in middle school.

3. Ryann's body has begun to change and develop further into a young women. She is starting to pay more attention to the way she looks and I think that this is contributing to her increase infatuation with boys. She has a solid group of friends and I think that this is because she is understanding what aspects she wants in a friend and she knows that they should have similar morals and values. Because of this she doesn't get into trouble for doing things she shouldn't be doing with her friends. Mostly I have noticed the fact that she is starting to have an interest in boys and becoming more popular at school because she is aware of her physical changes. She comes home from upset sometimes because the kids at school tease her for being flat chested, so I just explain to her that people develop on their own time and her time will come soon.

1 comment:

Colleen Mullendore said...

My Katie Anne hasn't had any internet issues yet....I hope that my virtual parenting decisions are keeping her on the right track. When she was younger I could use the decisions I've made with my real kids as a basis for the virtual decisions I've made with her. But now that she is a teenager and my oldest real child is only 9, my real parenting experience doesn't come into play.